The shepherds rushing to the manger on the night of Jesus’ birth is one of the clearest snapshots of how good the good news of the incarnation, when God became flesh, was and is. So often we get swept up into the beauty of this story – and rightfully so. But let’s take a step back for a moment. Not only were the shepherds on the job, but they were working the night shift like they had hundreds of times. But God noticed them.
The Meaningful Mundane
For some of us, it is all too easy to pass by ordinary people doing ordinary tasks in ordinary places. We might even see what they do as insignificant, meaningless or unimportant. Yet time and time again we see that God shows up mightily in what many may consider mundane. The shepherds thought it was just another night of watching over their flocks. But God was about to break into the shepherds’ reality of hard work and late nights.
The mundane, whether watching after sheep or making coffee for other people, is too often unappreciated and unnoticed. But God notices the unnoticed. Scripture is full of stories of God recognizing the unappreciated and bringing them into the center of His plan. He did this for people like Moses, Rachel, Nehemiah and countless others written off by peers, leaders, and family as insignificant.
The Unnoticed Significant
God notices you. He appreciates the work you do. And He wants to bring you into the center of His plan because you matter. Your work matters. God longs to reveal Himself to you in the midst of your work, even if you feel unnoticed and unappreciated at times. He desires to point others to His Kingdom through you and everything you do.
Think and pray
For the next week, every time you swipe your key card, tap your fob, unlock and enter the doors of your workplace, pray this simple prayer:
God, you are here in this ordinary place. May I be alert to your presence and quick to respond to your promptings. Amen.
As you center in on this, find peace in the understanding that God notices you.
The team at Workmatters endeavors to provide content to equip marketplace leaders to live out their faith at work. To see other articles from Workmatters, visit