General Charles Duke, Apollo 16 Astronaut
Like many young men in that day, I marveled at the exploits of the space pioneers who broke through barriers and launched the space age. I became an Air Force pilot and later was accepted into the Apollo program, always drawn to the next adventure. But I found that no matter what I accomplished, I could never have enough. I had literally gone as far as anyone else in human history – I went to the moon and walked on the surface for three days! Where was I going to go from there? What could possibly be my next destination?
The world says that when you chase your dreams and fulfill your destiny, you’ll find happiness and fulfillment, but that wasn’t true of me at all. I was struggling with my marriage, my children, and just about everything that mattered in my life. I saw others who had what my wife and I needed – peace.
As I was introduced to the truth about who Jesus is and what He did for us, I realized that I had a decision to make: was I going to believe it? I had placed my faith in a metal spacecraft, surely I could entrust my life to the God of the Bible. So I began a new journey, and the more I explored, the more I found what I’d been looking for all along.
Now I know my final destination. I’m still on my next adventure! I look forward to sharing with you about it when I come to Oklahoma City in less than two months.
Please join me on April 18th for the CBMC Metro Prayer Breakfast as we gather to pray for our businesses, for the state of Oklahoma, and for this nation. The title of my message will be One Nation Under God, and I think you’ll be blessed.
General Charles (Charlie) Duke and fellow astronauts John Young and Ken Mattingly crewed the lunar mission Apollo 16 in April 1972, during which Duke became one of only 12 people in history to have walked on the moon. He is owner of Duke Investments, Charlie Duke Enterprises, and the president of Duke Ministry For Christ. General Duke will be the keynote speaker at the CBMC Metro Prayer Breakfast in Oklahoma City on April 18, 2018.