For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has set you free from the law of sin and of death. — ROMANS 8:2
Born in 1714 in a small community in southwest England, Howell Harris became a schoolmaster despite having only a minimal education. Although he considered himself a Christian, on Palm Sunday 1735, he suddenly realized that something was missing in his life.
As Harris attended the Parish Church at Talgarth, a short distance from his home, the vicar announced there would be a communion service the following Sunday. But, reminding his congregation of the words of Paul in 1 Corinthians 11, he warned them to take this seriously, for they needed to be “fit” and ready for communion. This message made a deep impact on Harris, who kept wondering if he was truly “fit.”
This sense of conviction increased throughout the week. As Harris sat in church the next Sunday, he suddenly realized that Jesus had shed His blood so we could be free from sin and guilt. Harris later recalled, “Strength was given to me to believe that I was receiving pardon on account of that blood. I lost my burden; I went home leaping for joy.”
He was free! He dedicated his life to helping others experience that same freedom, and he became a leader in the mighty revivals that swept throughout Wales.
Many Christians today don’t have that freedom. They may go to church, but they still carry burdens and guilt. God wants us to know that Jesus came so we can be free. Completely free!
Think and Pray
How about you? You don’t need to carry burdens and cares any longer. Jesus died so you can be free. Accept His finished work. Turn to Him. Allow Him to give you His peace and freedom!
Father, thank You that Jesus died for me. Take away my burdens and give me a burden for Souls! I dedicate my life and resources to You so others can be saved. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
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