Ask the Lord of the harvest … to send out workers into his harvest field. – LUKE 10:2
In our journey through life, as we follow the Lord’s call, Christians are a sent people. Before his ascension into heaven, Jesus told us, through the apostles, to go into the world with a gospel that has the power to change lives. These marching orders have had a profound impact on the history of the world.
In our verse today we catch a glimpse of what it means to be sent out. “The Lord appointed seventy-two others and sent them two by two …” We do not know who these people were, but they were not the twelve apostles. Not only pastors and missionaries are called to spread the gospel; all of us have a role to play.
Notice Jesus’ comment: “The harvest is plentiful.” In many ways, this is a surprising observation. Many people were intrigued by Jesus’ miracles, but when it came to following him, they often turned away. Many of them eventually joined the crowds calling for his crucifixion. Even so, Jesus saw that behind their anger, frustration, and rebelliousness they were people who desperately needed salvation.
Think and pray
As we go into the world of education, caregiving, science, business, construction, manufacturing, farming, or wherever the Lord calls us to be, may our eyes be open to the plentiful harvest. May we find ways to spread the good news of Jesus, our ascended Lord and King.
Lord, use even me, just as You will and when and where, until Your blessed face I see, Your rest, Your joy, Your glory share. Amen.
Gary Bomhof is pastor of First Christian Reformed Church, Red Deer, Alberta. He and his wife, Jo-Ann, have four children and five grandchildren.