

To have faith, we have to hear. To hear, we have to listen. To listen, we have to schedule time in silence so we can hear the voice of God. It’s in the silence that we hear the whispers. Without hearing it is impossible to please God. Once we hear, we have an obligation to act on what we hear. In this episode, EF Parrish shares how we ought to look to the example Jesus sets in being intentional and acting on what the Holy Spirit instructing us to do.

For the past 40+ years EF Parrish has invested his life in building relationships with people. Whether as a sales director with Sprint Communications Company, a children’s pastor with a local mega-church, or VP of Sales for a large office equipment dealer, Parrish brings over 40 years’ experience as a business executive, minister, and published author. One of Ernest’s deep passions in life is building disciples of Jesus Christ, by giving away what he has gained in his forty-nine years of walking with Christ. Responding to the importance Ernest places on relationships, he founded Corporate Care in 1987. The business currently provides corporate chaplaincy services to thousands of employees in numerous businesses. Ernest has also assisted hundreds of men and women begin corporate chaplaincy businesses/ministries nationally and internationally, by giving away his business model, trade secrets and proprietary information.

Make sure to get Ernest’s book, “Blueprint of a Kingdom Business” here and find his Bible reading plan titled “Blueprint of a Kingdom Business on the YouVersion app.


Red Letter Business brings real, inspirational stories of men who are making an eternal impact on the lives of the people they work with, their neighbors, and families. Each episode will challenge you to think and act in a more intentional way, and experience first-hand how doing business in a Biblical way is just better business in the long run.

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